The Senior Couples progressive dinner party! The couple sitting by Elder Dalling is the oldest couple in the mission. He is almost 80 years old which tells you it is never too late!

Sister Dalling, Sister Smith and Sister Hale making little bags with candy and Subway gifts cards in them! Thanks to Tom and Pam every missionary got one!

Elder Barber, an AP, helping to hang snowflakes from the lights in the gym. We were decorating for the Christmas Zone Conference! Elder Barber does shotput at BYU!

Sister Dalling putting the finishing touches on the tables the night before!
There were about 20 tables ready for the missionaries. With the lights down, it looked beautiful!

The tables - Looked prettier in person!

President Acevedo from the Mission Presidency and Elders Young and Barber

This is Elder Bychinski from Canada. He is 7'2" tall and is being recruited by every basketball team in the US. The President is always telling some recruiter that he can't be recruited yet and no they cannot visit him! The sister standing by him is about my height! And yes! He is holding up an Idaho Potato! Everyone loved those Idaho Potatoes!