Sunday, March 2, 2008

Received Our Call

Well this is it! We received our call to the Florida, Fort Lauderdale Mission, and we report to the mission home on Mar 31, 2008. We are both excited and nervous over this new adventure in our life, but happy! Dad

I on the other hand am not worried, nervous, or even a bit anxious! Mom

In your dreams! Dad


Mark&Noelle Taylor said...

I think you are both ready and we can't wait for you to go! (Just kidding)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Good luck in FL. Watch out for the hurricanes. Cant wait to setup the paintball area back at home.

mama said...

Good luck you two --- you are going to be soooo missed. Have a safe trip to Florida and since I'm on the computer sooo much of the time --- I'll be checking your blog, so post a lot of stuff.